The Trans* Home is a project of Istanbul LGBTI Solidarity Association. It exists since beginning of 2013 in Istanbul. It is a home for trans* who currently have no place to stay, trans* and LGBIQ refugees and asylum seekers from North – Africa and the Middle East, threatened by violence. The Trans* Home is a self created, self help structure, run by experienced Trans* providing a safe and sustainable shelter. It supports strategies to protect vulnerable LGBTQI refugees and asylum seekers.

Trans* are excluded by state, society and mostly by their own families, too. Trans* are excluded from basic rights which are part of everyday life; the right to choose freely: a job, a flat or simply a path to go for a walk. But Transwomen generally have no choice. They have to perform sex work, get nowhere to live or have to pay unfair rents. No going for a walk without hate-filled looks. No police check without being stopped or taken away, particularly as the police officers get bonus points for inflicting fines on transwomen.

Trans* in Turkey are mostly exposed to hate crimes and hate murders. The state does not investigate these crimes and does not guarantee the basic rights (life, work, health, housing). (Source: amnesty international report: 'Not an illness nor a crime') If crimes against Trans*Women are even investigated by the police and brought to court, the perpetrators can usually rely on being exempted from prosecution or count on a lenient sentence. The Turkish criminal code contains an article which refers on the matter of unjust provocation. In practice it has been mostly interpreted in advantage of the perpetrator and led to a lenient sentence. Not punishing murder and physical assault is like an invitation.
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The star stands for the diversity of gender identities beyond female and male.
We invite all trans* people to join our workshops to raise solidarity by jewellery production. Participate in further education by an experienced master craftswoman!The workshop is a social get together which increases professional abilities and creates income for trans*home and for its residents.
Trans* Hotline
0538 560 32 22
Call 7 days 24 hours